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Girls selling tef under a big tree in Axum, Ethiopia (2012-06)

June 29, 2012. Having almost finished the Northern Ethiopia circle and not quite ready to move on to my second last country on this Africa trip I decided to give you an update of a different kind today.

Travelling via public transport is not only cheaper it also allows the traveler to learn much more about a country’s culture and daily life. But it can also have serious side effects: like deafness or – sometimes even worse – a melody that haunts you for days.

Ethiopian bus drivers love their music. And right now the hottest thing in the country is Teddy Afro’s new album. Teddy is to most a national hero ever since he spoke out against the government following irregularities in the 2005 elections.

‘Tikur Sew’ isn’t only on every bus and minibus. It’s also in every restaurant and internet café. And last night a rare concert shown on (not national) TV even let some places to skip the football (soccer) game Italy vs. Germany. – Unheard of as football might be the only thing Ethiopians like as much as music.

Here’s the album’s title song ‘Tikur Sew’ which I think has special haunting qualities. Listen at your own risk!:

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