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The joys of camping: Bush camping on a plain in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco

African Trails bush camp, Western Sahara, Morocco (2011-11)

Pretty picture - but you can't see it

Where is it?

Latitude: N 31°/ Longitude: W 4°/ Altitude: 1047m

When did we stay there?

24 to 25 October, 2011 (1 night)

What can you expect?

A freezing cold night in the open plains (bring a blanket…). Walking so far from the camp to find a bush to pee behind you might not find your way back (place someone with a light by the truck). Surprise visitors to just sit down by the fire, silently (we named the boy Harry but he left after 2 hours when we – as truck rules will have it – didn’t offer him any of our tea or supper)


Yeah, funny! Then again: the sun setting and rising over the plain is just beautiful!

Outside world

One thing to mention on bush camping: make sure you drive (if possible) a few hundreds off the road to minimize the risk of unwelcome visitors. And make sure you’re not on somebody’s backyard or field. And should police pop up you either claim that your vehicle has broken down and can only be fixed in the morning or you ask for a place to stay (maybe you get to stay in someone’s backyard or on their roof after all).

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