À santé! (Food and drink in Africa, pt. 9)
Like in Germany or the US beer is the principal alcohol enjoyed on the African continent. So much so that I made it a tradition to have a 'Welcome to
Random Gabon pics
2012-02-04 to 08 - Random Gabon, a set on Flickr. We didn't stay in Gabon long. Lopé National Park was on mayor sight we visited. The other one was the equator. So I'm now officially in the South (where it's approaching
Lopé National Park pics
2012-02-06 and 07 - Lopé National Park in Gabon, a set on Flickr. Finally some elephants! I admit I'd never expected to see them in the West at all but after looking for them in Parc Des Deux Bale (Burkina Faso)