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Cape Town to Cairo and beyond

3500 Miles to Cairo sign, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (2012-03)

July 25, 2012. The contrast between Sudan and Egypt couldn’t have been more stark: while tourism is virtually unheard of in the former, the later’s economy is – at least in the cities along the Nile from Aswan to Luxor to Cairo – largely built on tourism. Sudan is beautiful with ancient history subtly scattered along the desert roads. And still the sights in Egypt are nothing short of breathtaking.

I am now in Cairo. Cape Town to Cairo is one of those mythical journeys in travelers’ dreams. I did it without even planning to. And I did it overland, on public transport. Yes, I am proud of that.

It is now time to think about returning home, to Berlin. Surprisingly there is no direct ferry connection between Egypt and Italy or Greece. The choice is this: very expensive cruise ship, freighter to Turkey or airplane. But before I make that call I am taking a few days off to go to Dahab at the Red Sea.

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