‘Tis the season to feast (Food and drink in Africa, pt. 1)
What are you thinking of when somebody says 'Christmas'? Christmas to me is first and foremost about food. I can easily do without presents. I'm not religious. And please leave me alone with cold and snow! But for some reason, I always start feeling Christmassy when I spend hours preparing food. So what better way of commemorating the festive season than by talking for the next few days about food (and drink) in Africa? I'll set the scene by telling you a bit about how I'll spend Christmas this year and what I did the year before.
Happy Holidays!
December 23, 2011. Long time no see! - Partially due to the request of higher forces than myself and partially due to the lack of internet access in the past weeks. We left Burkina shortly after my last post after spending
Mole National Park pics
2011-12-09 - Mole National Park, Ghana, a set on Flickr. Mole National Park marked our second try to find African elephants. Albeit not successful in that venture we had a wonderful day seeing hogs, monkeys and lots of bucks.