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The route home: e as in East Germany

Walking Home before map (2014-03-20)

Alright, less than two weeks to go and time to share some more details of the route (as planned at the moment). In my route home the “e” is the start:

On 30 March I’ll head off from the Oberbaumbrücke in Berlin. Afterwards I am planning to see some of East Germany: Potsdam, Luther City Wittenberg (not to be confused with Wittenberge…), Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Halle (Saale) and Mühlhausen before I make my way into Hesse and a bit of Lower Saxony. In Mühlhausen I’ll even be twice. So if you know someone who knows someone let me know. Just before the end of the “e” a little challenge is awaitng me in the Thüringer Wald. An then there is of course my birthday – let’s see where I’ll be spending 8tn April…

If you would like to browse the card in more detail click “the link in the upper left-hand corner. Google Maps  will open in a new tab. Do not forget to click the pedestrian (above the list of stops in the left corner) to have the correct route displayed. Enjoy!

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