Golden lion on a throne in London, UK (2011-10)

London pics


I love London. And maybe I haven’t given it enough credit when I lived here in 2008. It’s fashionable and historic but also dirty and rebellious. So every time I come here it’s a bit like visiting Berlin’s older sister.

This time I spent most of my time in 3 museums: the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum and the Victoria & Albert. But there was also some time for a stroll in Kensington Gardens where I just adored the Serpentine Gallery 2011 Pavilion and some explorations of the Buckingham Palace. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Victora & Albert Museum reflected in the Natural History Museum, LondonCole Wing of Victora & Albert Museum, LondonCole Wing of Victoria & Albert Museum, LondonVictora & Albert Museum reflected in the Natural History Museum, LondonVictoria looking down on usHarrods London through the windows of surrounding buildings
Harrods London through the windows of surrounding buildingsHarrods London through the windows of surrounding buildingsHarrods London through the windows of surrounding buildingsHarrods London through the windows of surrounding buildingsHarrods London through the windows of surrounding buildingsAppartment Buildings across the street from Harrods London
Appartment Buildings across the street from Harrods LondonHarrods London through the windows of surrounding buildingsBuckingham Pallace protected - Keeping people out or locked in?AfricaSun shining through tree leavesSun shining through tree leaves
Fences on Buckingham PallaceFences on Buckingham PallaceHuman doll @ Buckingham PallaceAutumn sun through chestnut treeFoliage in St. James Park, LondonView from a bridge

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