Travelling Sudan, pt. 2: Defying expectations
Part 1 of my journey through Sudan left off with me getting all the paperwork done to be legally allowed to transit through the country. Meanwhile my travel companion has fallen ill - a combination of the heat, lack of sleep
Travelling Sudan, pt. 1: Into the devil’s den
We enter Sudan from Ethiopia. During our last days there the weather had grown increasingly cold and rainy. Now the further North we go the more the sun and the heat come out. At the border we have to go
Hotel Pod Sosnami, Osieck
Osieck is a village about one hour outside Warsaw, with a very large Catholic church in the center and surrounded by forests. The Pod Sosnami is a classic conference hotel. However, you can book all kinds of nature adventures at
Hosteling International: Planeta Hostel
There are more central hostels and budget hotels in Warsaw than the Planeta. However, thanks to the tram right in front the hostel is very well connected to the major places of interest – downtown with the central station and
Warsaw restaurants & coffee shops
Here are a few impressions from the various places I enjoyed lunch, dinner or just a few cozy hours at while roaming the Polish capital. Tel-Aviv Café+Deli Location: Posnanska 11 near Wilcza The Tel Aviv Café+Deli is located in a side street not
Off to Warsaw
One of the pluses of working is that you may get to go on a business trip. And if you're really lucky - like me this week - you get to add on a few days to spend the weekend at your
Happy Easter – Time to chase the winter away!
Easter Fire is one of the highlights of the Wensickendorf social calendar. Wood (and occasionally any other flammable object) is amassed to a big pile during pre-Easter weeks on my sister's partner's land. On Easter Saturday friends and family swing
Cheat sheet: Insurance Questions
Do not travel without health insurance. Some insurance policies cost lest than a dollar a day. But when you get injured or seriously sick you'll be grateful for someone to not only pick up the bill but also fly you
Tips and tricks: Finance Management
Even when you’re on the road and a lot of exciting new stuff is happening every day you shouldn’t lose sight of your overall financials. Keep a list at least of your major expenses and where and
Cheat sheet: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Cash Cards & Traveler Checks
Credit cards are not only useful for booking flights and shopping online. These days credit cards are also accepted almost all over the World. There might not be POS terminals at every little corner store but there are very few