Latitude: N 31,719310°/ Longitude: W 7,983767°/ Altitude: 474m
When did we stay there?
29 October to 1 November, 2011 (3 nights)
What can you expect?
This is a fairly large campground, roughly 10km outside Marrakesh. The site seems to cater to European tourists. Consequently you’ll meet lots of camper vans from France, Germany or the Netherlands but also the occasional overlanders with their jeeps.
As you’d expect there is a large, semi-clean, semi-working washing area with Western toilets, hot showers, and laundry facilities. Reception can organize laundry for you but be careful to get an exact quote beforehand (we were quoted 40DH before and were supposed to pay 130DH after…).
There is apparently Wi-Fi (at the reception). But it was broken while we were there. We were strongly advised not to drink the tab water.
The campground runs a minibus that can drop you off and (more importantly) will pick you up in Marrakesh. The prize we got was 50DH p.p. (return) if the bus was only half full and 30DH with higher occupancy.
Outside world
The main attraction is obviously Marrakesh.